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(Chair persons to be confirmed)
Chaired by Dr. F. ACERBI
11:00 GALLINA Giacomo – Stimulated Fluorescence of Silicon Photomulipiers Devices
11:20 AMENDOLA Chiara – The CMS ECAL upgrade for precision timing measurements at the High-Luminosity LHC
11:40 MUSIENKO Yury – Results of QA/QC tests of the Hamamatsu SiPM arrays for the CMS HCAL Phase I upgrade
12:00 GALLINA Giacomo – Dark noise source characterization in p-on-n SiPM
12:20 HEERING Adriaan – Precision Timing with LYSO:Ce Crystals & SiPM Sensors for the CMS MTD Barrel Timing Layer
Chaired by Dr S. SCHANNE
14:10 CAVANNA Flavio – New concept for the Photon Detection System of DUNE FD2 Liquid Argon Experiment
14:30 IWAMOTO Toshiyuki – The liquid xenon detector for the MEG II experiment to detect 52.8~MeV $gamma$ with large area VUV-sensitive MPPCs
Chaired by Dr. Yury MUSIENKO
14:50 RÖMER Julius – Radiation Hardness of a Wide Spectral Range SiPM with Quasi-Spherical Implant
15:10 PREGHENELLA Roberto – A SiPM-based optical readout system for the EIC dual-radiator RICH
15:30 ACERBI Fabio – Characterization of Radiation Damage Effects of Protons and X-rays in FBK Silicon Photomultipliers
15:50 ORTEGA RUIZ Inaki – Design and performance of a scintillating fibre beam monitor read-out with silicon photomultipliers for the secondary particle beams at CERN
16:10 MEHADJI Brahim – Monte Carlo implementation and experimental validation of a model of SiPM
Chaired by Pr. TAKAHASHI
17:00 FRATELLI Ilaria – Trap States Ruling Photoconductive Gain in Tissue-Equivalent, printed Organic X-Ray Detectors
Chaired by Pr. TAKAHASHI
17:20 OKAZAKI Yu – Experimental verification of the efficacy of pBCT in terms of physical and biological aspects
17:40 BOSSIS Théo – A portable gamma camera for the optimization of the patient dosimetry in radioiodine therapy of thyroid diseases
18:00 SATO Daichi – Initial results of in vivo CT imaging of contrast agents using MPPC-based photon-counting CT
18:20 KOSHIKAWA Nanase – Activation imaging: A new concept of visualizing drug distribution using the wide-band X-ray and gamma-ray imager
Chaired by Dr. Fabienne ORSINI
09:15 D’IMPERIO Giulia – CYGNO: directional dark matter search using a TPC with optical readout
09:35 BOLZONELLA Riccardo – Hybrid single-photon imaging detector with embedded CMOS pixelated anode
09:55 SANTELJ Luka – Operation of 144-channel HAPDs and Belle II Aerogel RICH Counter
Chaired by Dr. MEURIS Aline
10:45 LIMOUSIN Olivier – Caliste-SO detectors: performance in flight on board STIX/Solar Orbiter
11:05 NAGASAWA Shunsaku – Imaging and Spectral Performance of Wide-gap CdTe Double-Sided Strip Detectors
11:25 PAUC Nicolas – GeSn: a newcomer for the group IV infrared optoelectronics; Light emission and photo detection prospects
11:45 CAROLI Ezio – A CZT 3D Imaging Spectrometer with Digital Readout prototype for High Energy Astronomy
12:05 KATSURAGAWA Miho – Development of a high-sensitivity CdTe semiconductor imager with a parallel-hole collimator
Chaired by Dr. Gabriel CHARLES
13:55 3D PLUS
Chaired by Dr. Frédérick CARREL
17:25 HAMADACHE Clarisse – Development of a Compton telescope calorimeter module for MeV–range gamma–ray astronomy
17:45 LYNDE Clément – Neutron/gamma discrimination and localization with pixelated plastic scintillator and SiPM dedicated multiplexing readout
18:05 GOLA Alberto – VUV-SiPMs applied to cross-luminescence detection in BaF2 for ultrafast timing applications
Chaired by Dr. Alan OWENS
09:35 AVGITAS Theodore – Development of hybrid and portable field detectors for absorption and scattering muography applications
09:55 MASUBUSHI – Observations of gamma-ray bursts during thunderstorms using a newly developed high-speed DAQ system
Chaired by Dr. J. NINKOVIC
10:45 MEURIS Aline – Design and performance of the camera of the SVOM Micro-channel X-ray Telescope
11:05 ALLAIRE Hugo – First light of MC²-1K, a 250 µm pixel pitch CdTe imaging spectrometer for hard X-ray astronomy
11:25 TSUZUKI Yutaka – Application of a Si/CdTe Compton camera for the polarization measurement of radiative recombination x-rays
11:45 TAKEDA Shin’ichiro – Development of an ultra-high resolution multi-probe CdTe SPECT
12:05 BÄHR Alexander – The New DePFET Sensor for the ATHENA Wide Field Imager
Chaired by Dr. G. DANIEL
13:55 VERDIER Marc-Antoine – Optimized Reconstruction of the Position of Interaction in High-Performances gamma-Cameras
14:15 MARKFORT Amelia – Utilising machine learning algorithms for high speed data processing of a single photon counting 256 channel PMT with a timing resolution of 60 ps.
14:35 SAGISAKA Mayu – In-situ visualization system of 3D dose distribution for precision proton therapy
14:55 DE OLIVEIRA FERNANDES Felipe Matheus – Deep Learning approach for ORA (Optimized Random Pattern) Coded aperture in gamma ray image reconstruction
Chaired by Dr. Remy LE BRETON
Chaired by Dr. MICHALET Xavier
09:30 CHARBON Edoardo (Review) – Large-format SPAD image sensors for biomedical and HEP applications
10:10 RIPICCINI Emanuele – Detecting photons and MIPs with ultra fast Geiger mode APDs
Chaired by Dr. Eugenio NAPPI
11:00 LISOWSKA Marta – Sub-25 ps timing measurements with 10×10 cm2 PICOSEC Micromegas detectors
11:20 ALTENMUELLER Konrad – X-ray detectors for the BabyIAXO solar axion search
11:40 PANDIT Triloki – Nanodiamond photocathode for MPGD-based single photon detectors at the future EIC
12:00 TESSAROTTO Fulvio – MPGD-based photon detectors for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1 and beyond
Chaired by Dr. D. DELLA VOLPE
13:50 MERZI Stefano – NUV-HD SiPMs with Metal-filled Trenches
14:10 PARELLADA MONREAL Laura – Silicon Photomultipliers technologies for 3D integration
14:30 OTTE Nepomuk – Studies of GaN-based avalanche diodes as a primary cell for a solid-state photomultiplier
14:50 TAJIMA Hiroyasu – Studies of propagation mechanism of optical crosstalk in silicon photomultipliers
Chaired by Dr. Shinichiro TAKEDA
17:10 GONZALEZ Antonio J. (Invited)- Developments in Molecular Imaging: from Photosensors to System Implementation
17:40 PESTOTNIK Rok – Limited angular coverage TOF PET imager
18:00 KRATOCHWIL Nicolaus – Precise time estimation with Cherenkov photons and analog SiPMs for TOF-PET
18:20 GONZALEZ-MONTORO Andrea – Design considerations for a PET system with 100 picoseconds coincidence time resolution
18:40 YVON Dominique – Clear Mind : Development of a “scintronic” crystal for very fast timing gamma ray imaging
Chaired by Olivier GEVIN
08:30 IACOBUCCI Giuseppe – MONOLITH – picosecond time stamping capabilities in fully monolithic highly granular silicon pixel detectors
08:50 GOMEZ FERNANDEZ Sergio (Invited) – Evaluation of the FastIC ASIC with sub-100 ps Coincidence Time Resolution
09:20 CIZEL Jean-Baptiste – Performances of Radioroc: a Front-End ASIC for SiPM readout
09:40 ZAMBITO Stefano – The new monolithic ASIC of the preshower detector for di-photon measurements in the FASER experiment at CERN
10:00 GASCON David – Evaluation of the BETA ASIC for the FIT and PSD detectors at the HERD facility
10:20 SHARYY Viatcheslav – Ultra-Fast Readout Through Transmission Lines for TOF PET detectors
Chaired by Dr. D. DELLA VOLPE
11:10 FREY Samira – Characterization of Amorphous Silicon Based Microchannel Plates with High Aspect Ratio
11:30 JONES Thomas – New results from the TORCH R&D Project
11:50 MIEHLING Daniel – New Advances of Microchannel-Plate PMTs
Chaired by Pr. Hiroyasu TAJIMA
13:40 VINOGRADOV Sergey – Tip Avalanche Photodiode – a new spherical-junction-based SiPM
14:00 KACHRU Priyanka – Cryogenic Characterisation of Silicon Photomultipliers for future Dark Matter Detectors
14:20 HAHN Alexander – Direct Comparison of the Performance of the SiPM-Based and PMT-Based Detector Modules Operating in the Imaging Camera of the MAGIC-I Telescope